tailspin|tailspins in English


fast downward spin (of an airplane); loss of emotional control, emotional collapse (Informal)

Use "tailspin|tailspins" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tailspin|tailspins" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tailspin|tailspins", or refer to the context using the word "tailspin|tailspins" in the English Dictionary.

1. The plane shuddered and went into a tailspin.

2. Its shares went into a tailspin.

3. The economy went into a tailspin.

4. But I don't go into a tailspin over it.

5. After the mill closes,the local economy may tailspin.

6. Following the announcement, share prices went into a tailspin.

7. The woman went into a tailspin after her husband died.

8. Raising interest rates could send the economy into a tailspin .

9. Share prices went into a tailspin when the President resigned.

10. Today, with the global economy a tailspin, we face a similar situation.

11. But human area threatens send this fragile ecosystem into a tailspin.

12. The rescue made headlines worldwide and sent the rebels into a tailspin.

13. After a hot argument with his wife, Mr. Chang went into a tailspin.

14. The project went into a tailspin and we did not meet our deadline.

15. The surprise passage of the law threw the online gambling industry into a tailspin.

16. Lenny's career went into a tailspin when he decided personality mattered more than material.

17. Danger of deficits Opponents argue several other unknowns could send the state into a deficit tailspin.

18. The surprise passage of the law [ b ] [ u ] [ i ] threw the online gambling industry into a tailspin.

19. Any stress or sudden change in her life at one time would send a tailspin psychologically.

20. Even the blue chip stocks I purchased are a tailspin. So far I've already lost NT $ 48000.

21. Lower demand could, in turn, cause the fall in prices to accelerate, sending prices into a dangerous tailspin.

22. With new vehicle sales in a tailspin, calls for a renewed Cash for Clunkers program have gained traction among some in the industry

23. In Austin, Texas, the damage inflicted by the weekend protests constituted yet another Anguishing blow to the state’s capitol city, where an economic tailspin started in March with the